Over the years, cards have meant a lot to me when I am going through a rough patch. It can be easier to put feelings down into words and getting letters can make your day as cards can hold a lot of love, positivity and it means someone was thinking about you even though you feel alone. Having an understanding how much kind words such as words of affirmation can add a bit of colour into your life.
I decided to look into words of affirmation. The aim of the project being to explore the use of computer programming as a creative tool in relation to art and design creative practice. I asked a group of people questions (which are below, along with their answers) and the goal being to be able to take the answers and turn them into something beautiful.
Each colour is equal to a letter.

My final output consists of a range of cards that have been created using answers from a group people in regards to words of affirmations and using my code. Each letter of the alphabet corresponds to its own colour, which has a rough, almost hand-drawn outline to create a sense of being handmade. The purpose of the cards is to provide someone with words of affirmations for a range of situations which can add some colour to what can be colourless situations. Bringing a sense of hope and love to the receiver. Cards are things that can be treasured for a long time and each giver can own their own touch to allow for a sense of individuality but a comfort that is familiar to the receiver.
Any range of words could be converted into colours using the same code. Other potentials for this code could also include posters, books or wallpapers, stickers, bookmarks or home decoration pieces (just to name a few things).