This project was to design an informative events poster, calendar and booklet about the Exposure Massey University Graduate Exhibition 2020. The work will include the development of a number of hierarchies of information, a typographic cover, supportive graphics and the clear interpretation of information. There were two parts of this project.
In project one, we were asked to develop a series of three posters for an event. The content was provided (titles, subtitles and body copy) as well as the typeface which was Aktiv and was chosen for clarity of communication and the extent of type family. There was a colour coding element which was seen throughout both projects. Using the colours of white, black and then two other colours of our choosing.
— Poster 1 Type as information:
Seeing principles – objective typographic mechanics.
Seeing principles – objective typographic mechanics.
— Poster 2 Type and Image:
Integrating type and images – putting it together.
Integrating type and images – putting it together.
— Poster 3 Expressive conceptual typography:
Type as Image. Perceiving principles–subjective typographic messaging.
Type as Image. Perceiving principles–subjective typographic messaging.
The second part of the project was to create an informative events calendar and booklet. All components will visually link and create a unified event campaign along with the poster series developed in Project 1. The visual or graphic system must be applied consistently to all collateral and ensures all parts of Exposure are easily identified and located. The copy provided will be formatted to bring clarity and definition to the text. This will be through the use of typographic hierarchy (size, weight, style, spacing) and compositional space. Design elements such as shape, rules, dingbats, blocks of colour and tints can be used to assist navigation and strengthen composition.
Purple: C-60, M-82, Y-31, K-14
Blue: C-35, M-11, Y-13, K-0